Thursday, July 31, 2008

We must all remember:

Life evens out and goes on like usual.

Although it seems like the downs come more often than the ups, that's just because the downs weigh a lot more than the ups, and when you're UP, you're floating on a cloud. I miss my cloud.

I can't say that life has been terribly difficult, just...strange and stressful and chaotic.

Susan is dying. Fast. This is effecting me more deeply than I thought it would. Afterall, we've known since March, haven't we? Diagnosis: Terminal. But hearing the news last Saturday that cancer was in every organ except her heart and spleen (the ironies of life) really hit it home. This curve ball was out of the park in t-minus 6 seconds; the tears came and didn't stop for a good half hour, at which point I unlocked the bathroom door and admitted by little boy who was DYING to go pee. Sorry son.

And so, with news that a loved one is dying comes the snowball effect of life. I can't sleep, therefore I have a headache, therefore I can't sleep. Sick, twisted, circle of doom. But the house still needs to be cleaned, the dinner cooked, the kids bathed, the husband appeased, work accomplished, callings fulfilled, clothes to be hung up. Nothing stops for pain and sadness, except maybe feeling good and happiness. Yuk yuk.

Coming to a blog near you: a happier, healthier, more awake, less depressed, Kelly. Stay tuned.

"My son, peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and thine afflictions shall be but a small moment.
And then, if thou endure it well, God shall exalt thee on high; thou shalt triumph over all thy foes." D&C 121:7-8


Liz Harrell said...

Oh Kelly, I'm so so sorry. My prayers are with you and your family.

Tanya said...

did you disconnect your phone, because i've been calling you. miss you! and love you!

Josh and Shalae said...

I'm sorry about this whole thing. I know this is hard on everyone. If you need anything just let me know. We love you all.

Unknown said...

Kelly, I've been wondering how she was doing. I'm really sorry. It's hard to watch someone you love go through that. It was really hard for me to watch my grandparents go through the same thing. Let us know if we can do anything. You need us to bring dinner? I'd be happy to!

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