Monday, October 06, 2008

I'm so bored I could bite off my thumb just to let the pain distract me from the monotony.

A little dramatic?

Well, let me invite you into my day for a moment. Brace yourselves, this could get ugly.

Old Man Caller, we'll call him Fred

Moi: Thank you for calling Franklin Covey (just typing it makes me want to pull my fingernails from their comfy beds.)

Fred: Who is this?

Moi: Franklin Covey. (Now the toenails.)

Fred: This isn't Blue Cross Blue Shield?

Moi: *sigh* No. It's Franklin Covey. (Slice my knee open with a dull spoon.)

Fred: Well what's the right number then?

Moi: I don't know the number, this is Franklin Covey, not Blue Cross Blue Shield. (Shield. Windshield. I'm flying through a windshield right now.)

Fred: What do you mean you don't know the number?

Moi, louder and slower: THIS IS FRANKLIN COVEY.

Fred: Oh, I've dialed the wrong number




On the upside, Conference was awesome this weekend, no?

Onward and Upward without bleeding nail beds…hopefully…

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