Tuesday, November 18, 2008


Oh my…only 3 days to go.

A wonderful friend of mine got us tickets to the 12:20 AM showing…

Cheyenne, you rock, I'm SO EXCITED!

1 comment:

Cheyenne and Seth and Co. said...

Okay, so I know that it's technically 2 days away now. But the way I see it...it's tomorrow!!! Because I'm going to wake up tomorrow and think, "today is the day!" So here's to tomorrow:

You fell down two flights of stairs and through a window. You have to admit, it could happen.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.459

Your hair looks like a haystack… but I like it.
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 15, p.312

Try to be more careful when you walk, honey, I don’t want to lose you.
Renée Dwyer, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.469

You think I lifted a van off you?
Edward Cullen, Twilight, Chapter 3, p.65

He never leaves, does he?
Renée Dwyer, Twilight, Chapter 24, p.464

In his rearview mirror, Edward’s eyes were on me. He was unquestionably shaking with laughter, as if he’d heard every word Tyler had said. My foot itched toward the gas pedal… one little bump wouldn’t hurt any of them, just that glossy silver paint job. I revved the engine.
Bella Swan, Twilight, Chapter 4, p.78

Are we excited yet??

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