Saturday, October 17, 2009

Planned Obsolesence: The Fight Continues

So here's an update with my ongoing battle to fight "stuff".


Update finished.

Just kidding.  But really, this has been a very, VERY, difficult fight for me.  I had no idea how much I loved and worshiped STUFF.  Especially now with the Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Holiday's coming into play.  I love decorations, candy, little bowls for candy, little decorative plates for the bowls that hold the candy...the list goes on.

And goards.  Is that how you spell that?  Sure, why not.  What is it with goards that makes me want to 'em all up and put them on my table, so that I'll just have to take them off everyday for dinner, and then find storage place for them at the end of the year...really, they're a pain.  BUT I WANT FIFTY.  Any therapists out there looking for a lost cause?  Ya found one!

And Christmas ornaments.  What's the deal with wanting four million different, shiny, pretty, sparkly ornaments?  I must have them!  Alas, though, I will not give in so easily to STUFF.

I've even been struggling with grocery shopping.  Do I really need this item?  What if we don't end up eating it in time (yogurt, milk, cheese, etc) and then I just have to throw it away?  What a waste!  This battle with STUFF has really made me step back and consciously watch what I'm doing.

All in all, I've saved a butt-load of money and storage space.  Not to mention helped my posterity (hopefully).

Oh, and a really NEAT update: our recycling bin has reached it's limits every week.  Our garbage can for the last three weeks has had...hold it...wait for it....ONE BAG of garbage.  I had no idea how much you can actually recycle. 

I'm really greatful I stumbled onto that video.  Thanks to Kaci, Brad Call's wife, whose really funny and keeps a fun blog.  I hope it's changed me for good.

Kelly Out


Josh and Shalae said...

One little bit of advice on the whole grocery shopping thing that has helped us: Make a meal plan. We make ours for two weeks. We figure out what we are going to have each night and then make a list of what we need for each meal. Then we add whatever cleaners/shampoo/toiletries/etc. we will need for those 2 weeks. We have saved alot of money and we can always buy just enough bread/cheese/eggs/milk that we will use for those 2 weeks. I NEVER have to go to the grocery store in between. Just a thought. We thought we would try it and it really works well for us. We also save a ton of money! That's always a bonus:) Good luck!

The Finlinsons said...

Yeah, it is hard. I'm the worst with groceries. I think that's the only thing I feel totally justified spending money I make sure to do a good job spending the money. lol. But I believe in you and I'm proud of you for really trying to be better (its more than I can say about myself...tis another lazy day for bethany).

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