Monday, August 02, 2010

No News Is...Boring

Bed rest = extremely boring life = infrequent and/or boring posts.

Better nothing than boring, right?  Am I right, people?  Yes, I'm right.

Nothing much goes on in my my life glued to the couch.  Although, I did sneak away and see a movie with the BF (that's "best friend" mom, not "boyfriend").  We saw Knight and Day.  It was pretty funny, especially considering her husband is just like the hero.  Freaking hilarious.

I am being very naughty (Abbie, get ready with that twitchy eye) and have decided that I'm just going to let nature take it's course at this point.  No more drugs.  No more sitting for 10 to 12 hours a day.  Just, let it happen.  I'm at a breaking point.  18 weeks on bed rest is just not as fun as you would think.  I'm not going out of my way to get the show on the road, although I did wear high heels to church on Sunday.  I don't know what that means, but it felt like some sort of labor induction.

Plus, I really, really, really hate that terbutaline.  The twitching was comical for awhile, but now it's just annoying.  And the constant headache that came with it got old after a few weeks. 

So, that's where I am.  I'm here, on the couch, watching bad daytime t.v. missing my babies and enjoying the last few *fingers crossed* days of baby wiggles in an angry uterus.  I honestly think Baby Girl is okay with this decision.  I mean, imagine if your one bedroom apartment constantly compressed, squishing you down into a bony, small, hole every few minutes.  Pretty crappy, right?

I'm getting pretty good and justification and rationalization.  I should teach a seminar to the delusional after this =)

Kelly Down


Tanya said...

who's that boyfriend of yours?!? it's all about bondage you know:) hahaha!!! i tried to explain to cody, but he'll just have to wait and see...about the character being just like him that is.

Tanya said...

who's that boyfriend of yours?!? it's all about bondage you know:) hahaha!!! i tried to explain to cody, but he'll just have to wait and see...about the character being just like him that is.

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