Friday, September 19, 2008

A blip

Holy crow! I branched out of my blog world and found oodles and gads of people with whom I attended high school! Yay proper English. I bet Wendy W will read this and say, "No, that was all wrong." Bah! Bah I say, Bah!

Onto the point, it's so awesome to see how everyone is doing, to see new little babies. Especially when they're the first, and I get to read about the first-time-mommy-jitters and remember all about it, which I love! I love remembering what it was like the day I found out I was pregnant, the day I found out I was having a boy, the day I went into labor...I don't think about that day as much. It sort of hurt.

ANYWAY! Totally love seeing you guys (I've been reading "Seriously So Happy" too much, me thinks). Regardless, TOTALLY love seeing how everyone is doing.

Controlling the size of my font is as difficult for me as controlling the volume of my own voice, this is sooooo appropriate. are some great high school people I've stumbled into today if you wanna check up on 'em and bother them in their private blog world. Cause you know how much I LOVE it! Go have fun!

Julia and Isaac Nielsen
April Wilde
Katy and Steve Porter
Adam and Lynsie Ferrero
Anna and Sean Bergstrom
Tara and Alix (Tara Lewis)

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