Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Miche Bag

I might be a little slow getting on the band wagon, as usual, but these purses are awesome!

Coming from a purse fanatic (though I have refrained from purchasing any purses for almost 3 years!) I think this is the most amazing invention. Can I call this an invention? Yes, I will take that liberty.

So, if you've been in the darkness of purse heck (yes, I said heck), let me introduce you to the light:

I hope you reap as much pleasure at just browsing as I did!


Lynsie said...

I finally bought myself a Miche Bag with some Christmas money Adam's grandma gave me. I love mine! I also know the person that invented them. I used to live in her ward before I got married. Why couldn't I have thought of inventing something like a cool purse?

Unknown said...

I've had my eye on those for awhile. My birthday is coming up, so maybe I'll put a little thought in Jared's head...

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