Friday, August 01, 2008

Breaking Dawn and Lunesta

Even during the sad times, especially for little people with "bubbling" personalities, it's hard to stay down too long; especially when you have two new and exciting things going on.

Lunesta. I SLEPT last night. For the first time in about six months, I had a full nights sleep. We're talkin' go to bed at 9 and pass out 'til the alarm smacks me awake at 5 AM. Twas awesome

Breaking Dawn. Need I say more? I never, EVER thought I'd be one of the desciples of a book series, part of the following. But, here I am, on the eve of the release of a book I have anticipated for months now, and I am totally PUMPED. "We're going to PUMP you up." Name that SNL skit and you win a million dollars. Or my respect. Either or.

So, though the headache still rages on in my skull, and I could use a few weeks more of "Lunesta Sleep", I'm heading down to the ol' B&N this evening, to enjoy to some fun friends and good reading. Have a great weekend everybody!

P.S. Thank you for your emails and comments and phone calls. We really appreciate the support we're getting from our friends and family. We love you all too.

P.P.S. About the million, just so you know, my respect is much, MUCH more valuable. So...pick that one.

1 comment:

Kimbie said...

I had no idea that Susan had cancer....we love you guys! Oh, and the SNL skit it Hons and Frons, (not quite sure on the spelling, but I got the accent down) Dana and Kevin. Love SNL. So do you think that Breaking Dawn is going to sell out?

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