Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Third Times the Charm: The Pointless Rantings of a Neglectful Mother

I have this fussy, neurotic problem that forces me to read a book at least three times. It's not OCD, I assure you; it's merely an addiction to a theory that so far has proved accurate.

Reading a book the first time: Just get a general overview of the plot and characters.
Reading a book the second time: Really delving into the characters, the symbols, the intricacies of the plot.
Reading a book the third time: Enjoying the general splendor of it all.

This was my third time through Wuthering Heights. This time I felt like I 'understood' Cahterine the First and Heathcliff (the last, yuck yuck). I was wrong. I realized so much more about them the third time around, that I think a fourth read would be appropriate to ' enjoy the general splendor of it all'. But there's too much laundry to do right now, so I'll work on that later.

Tell me what you think about my revelations:

Catherine is psychotic. Of course. But she grew up in the moors, in a dark, bleak house, even when her father was alive and spoiling and petting her. Isn't it natural for her to continue to love the dark and dreary, i.e. Heathcliff? I look at her, and see me, and all the other only girl children of the world. Thankfully now-a-day one cannot get away with such behavior without being forced to take her Vitamin P. Anyway, I see a spoiled little brat, with some serious Bi-Polar disorder that's never been checked. I think she just assumed that Heathcliff should just love and adore her no matter what she did, because that's how her father treated her (what would Freud say, I wonder.) And so, regardless of the negative attention she fed to him on occasion, she just assumed (correctly) that he should love her no matter what. Stupid Catherine.

Heathcliff is psychotic. Duh. But the poor boy is a gypsy orphan. He's dark and malicious naturally, but why not throw in a dose of the moors and see where it gets him. Let's add some unnecessary abuse by the woman he loves and adores, and why not mix in some physical and mental abuse while we're at it. At first I compared his situation to Jane Eyres. She was an orphan. Probably worse off because she was raised BY FAMILY that HATED her and reminded her of that on a daily basis. She turned out ok. Heathcliff at least had some years being doted and admired and loved by Mr. Earnshaw. But what is worse: never having the love to begin with, or having the love, then having it ripped away from you, leaving behind destruction and depression and abuse? I don't know. But my opinion would lean me toward the latter. That would just plain suck. Still, Heathcliff is stupid.

Catherine and Heathcliff, yeah, that's a desired union. Why not give them some gasoline and a match and call it good? Catherine blames Heathcliff, Heathcliff blames Catherine, himself, and everyone that came as a result of Catherine ever being alive. What a life, Heathcliff. It's called "TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR YOUR ACTIONS", you oafs. (Yes, I realize this is just a book, written by possibly an agoraphobic woman whose mind was considered at times to be "not all there"). Cahterine and Heathcliff are stupid.

Catherine Junior I admire almost alongside Elizabeth Bennet and Ginny Weasley. Yes, I said Ginny Weasley. Cahterine the sequel was blessed with the positive attributes of both her parents. I think her tenacity is wonderful. I think the way she takes on Heathcliff and the demented inhabitants of Wuthering Heights is admirable and brave. And I love how she is willing to put aside pride and apologize to Hearton, thereby securing her happiness and love. Had her own mother been able to do such a thing, she and Heathcliff would've been together. Miserable, of course, but together (and living). Stupid Catherine and Heathcliff.

I have more thoughts, this is merely the surface, and this is where my mind has been instead of mothering my children and doing laundry and making dinner, and, sigh, practicing the piano. Oh well, life goes on. Onward and upward.

(Mr. Lockwood cracks me up. I think he's just about the funniest, most fickle character ever, and I think she touched on him just enough to make him lovable and not absolutely annoying. Silly Mr. Lockwood. Where would we all be without your morbid curiosity and your fickle ways?)

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