Monday, September 22, 2008

Gratitude Day 12

Oh my, I'm sure I need not go into detail about my gratitude for rain. I'm sure the two of you who read my blog agree with me whole heartedly.

But oh my, I am so very grateful for rain. I love the way the wet dirt and grass smell. The way the street lights reflect of the shiny surface of the road. The sound of splashing as cars drive through big puddles; in my case, it's usually on purpose.

I love rain in the early morning. It's a unique color of clouds that cover the skies then. A dark purple mixed with blue mixed with a unique color of silver and yellow as the sun tries to break through the wall of rain. It never really does, but I'm grateful that it tries so hard.

I love the way it feels on my skin, on my skull. I love feeling each little droplet hit my head. I love it, too, when it's a torrential down pour, and you can't be outside for more than a second without getting completely and utterly soaked.

I'm gonna go stand outside in the rain for a bit folks. Please feel free to visit me in the hospital once I get pneumonia again!

1 comment:

Ryan & Hayley said...

I'm tellin' ya - anytime your ready, I am. Washington here we come!

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